
收购 Jio10% 的股份是否能帮助Facebook打开印度市场?

据英国《金融时报》报道,Facebook正在与印度电信巨头Reliance Jio谈判,欲收购其公司 10%的股份。

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目前Reliance Jio是印度 大的电信公司,从2016年商业运营开始,Jio以累计拥有3.7亿用户。凭借压倒性的报价优势在当地电信业迅速发展。它的其他服务包括音乐流媒体、点播直播电视和支付。这可能是促成这桩交易的原因之一

At present, reliance Jiao is the largest telecom company in India. Since its commercial operation in 2016, it has accumulated 370 million users. With the overwhelming advantage of quotation, it has developed rapidly in the local telecom industry. Its other services include music streaming, live TV on demand and payment. This may be one of the reasons for the deal

Reliance Jio已从董事长兼总经理穆克什·安巴尼那里获得2500多万美元资金。据分析师预估,Jio目前市场估值超600亿美元



Facebook's previous attempts to provide free Internet services and infrastructure in India have failed. In 2017, the fast Wi Fi service in India was expanded to allow users to log in to Wi Fi networks hosted by local partners, but the potential and scale of the project were not guaranteed.