
Twitter:所有人戴上口罩 我们就推出推文编辑功能

Instagram 自动点赞

新浪科技讯 北京时间7月3日早间消息,据外媒报道,Twitter在本周四预告了一个用户期待已久的功能:推文编辑按键,这个按键让用户可以在发布推文之后对其进行二次编辑和修改。但是这家社交媒体公司提出了一个条件,要想让他们推出这个功能,所有人都要开始佩戴口罩,以防止新冠病毒的传播。


此前很长时间以来,虽然用户一直都在强烈要求Twitter提供推文编辑按键,但是该公司并未推出这个功能。Twitter联合创始人杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)今年早些时候表示,他们很可能“永远不会”推出类似的功能,因为它可能导致用户在无意中传播虚假信息。

For a long time, although users have been urging twitter to provide tweet editing buttons, the company has not launched this function. Jack Dorsey, co-founder of twitter, said earlier this year that it was likely that they would "never" launch a similar feature because it could lead to users inadvertently spreading false information.


After encouraging users to wear masks on the condition of new features, many users joked about Twitter's decision. For example, one user said, "I'll change my name to 'everyone' now." Other users have called for Twitter to stay away from politics and questioned the effectiveness of the mask.

周四,得克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿伯特(Greg Abbott)改变了自己的看法,命令该州居民在公共场合佩戴口罩。在此前几个月中,他一直反对强制居民佩戴口罩。