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从事 贸易的人都知道,凡是要进出国境的物品都需要进行相关的商检,极少数免检产品除外。只有产品检测合格之后, 出入境检验检疫局会签发货通关单,凭通关单才能出口或者进口。所以通关单可以说是出入境检验合格的证明书。



商检机构派人到厂(一般是管辖你们地区的对应商检老师),针对实际出口的产品进行抽样安排,抽样则要根据不同的货物形态,采取随机取样方式抽取样品的方法进行。报验人(也就是出口方的厂家或者经销商)应提供存货地点的储存情况情况(例如货物的批次、数量、重量、出口目的地、检验报告),并且需要配合商检人员做好抽样工作(陪同商检老师对于货物进行现场随机样品采集或抽取)。抽好的样品被编上条形码之后送到商检局的检验部门进行检验,根据样品自身的特性和 对其相关的要求进行检验,可以使用从感官检验、化学手段分析、仪器分析等各种技术手段,对出口商品进行检验。样品检验合格之后,商检局才会给企业要出口的这批产品出具出口通关单,出口通关单是产品报关的重要单据之一。


However, we should remind you that all customs clearance forms are invalid, that is, the products on the customs clearance form need to be declared for export within the specified time. If the time specified on the customs clearance form passes, the customs clearance form will automatically become invalid. Although enterprises can apply for extension, the relevant procedures are quite troublesome, which is no less than re commodity inspection, Therefore, after getting the customs clearance form, the enterprise must contact the product declaration and export transportation.




Of course not. Although there is no electronic customs clearance, it is just that the customs transmits the documents that need to be transmitted in paper through electronic transmission after information processing in the process of customs declaration, but the paper customs clearance is still necessary, because this is the certificate issued by the commodity inspection to you that the goods are inspected correctly and can be exported. However, at the time of customs declaration, the customs will review the data in the computer. In case anything happens in the future, the paper customs clearance form still needs to be taken out as evidence.
