

Instagram 自动点赞


要开始使用,只需在Feed中点击左上方的相机或向右滑动,然后导航至底部的“实时”选项,选择“筹款人”,然后选择一个慈善机构。应对危机的机构包括联合国基金会,儿童基金会和疾病预防控制中心。 的收益直接进入组织。

To get started, just click the camera at the top left or swipe to the right in the feed, navigate to the "real time" option at the bottom, select "fundraiser" and then select a charity. Agencies responding to the crisis include the United Nations Foundation, UNICEF and the Centers for Disease Control and prevention. of the revenue goes directly into the organization.


但是,没有认可的好事是什么?为了帮助提高用户的自信心,Instagram与巴西插画家Leo Natsume合作创建了自定义的“我捐赠”贴纸。通过“直播”或“故事”做出认捐后,请查找贴图-仅在很短的时间内(尚未指定)可用。您关注的所有使用“我捐赠”或“捐赠”标签的帐户都将自动添加到队列开头的共享故事中,这样您就可以了解您的朋友,家人和随机关注者如何帮助他们的社区。

But what's the good thing about not being recognized? To help boost user confidence, instagram teamed up with Brazilian illustrator Leo Natsume to create custom "I donate" stickers. After making a pledge through live or story, look for a map - only available for a short time (not yet specified). All accounts you follow that use the "I donate" or "donate" tag are automatically added to the shared story at the beginning of the queue so you can learn how your friends, family and random followers help their community.